Mikey's Place

A place for keeping a journal. Why? Because it keeps me sane! I used to get rather angry at people for stupid things. Then, I discovered the value of a journal. It works. Here, I'll tell you how and why it works for me.

Location: Mountain Ash, Wales, United Kingdom

Monday, August 16, 2004

A New Life

It is said that each day is the first day of the rest of your life. It's true, of course. Yet, after the redundancies of Friday, it's even more poignant this morning. I came into work knowing that my workload had increased again. That's the third time in six working days. Basically, I'm now responsible for four people's jobs. And I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it. I haven't had a pay rise, or anything, just a "Well, we're all going to have to do more work."

Take this morning, for example. I find that, this week, I will have to go off-site three days in a row. Why? Because of the new way of doing things. My one and only assistant has gone, but "we" have decided that we have no desire for these deliveries to come to our site, so they have to go to outside warehousing. That means that, if we want them inspected, as they should be, I have to go out there.

I don't mind the journeys. I quite enjoy a little bit of travelling. It's the implications that get me. You try to spend your life staying calm, but people around you seem intent on doing it "the other way."

Ah well. That's the benefit of a journal. You can shout at them without them knowing!


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