Noise Pollution
I was trying to write my journal this morning when I was struck by the amount of noise around me. It's no wonder we're all so stressed. We can't hear ourselves think, anymore. We can't listen to our own thoughts, our own feelings. People can't just sit in silence anymore. They have to have noise around them.
We have a guy in our office who insists on having the radio on. He aslo insists on whistling along with it! Now, I'm not against music while you work. The right kind of music has been proven to help people concentrate. I remember reading a study, years ago, that showed that one company's reject rate dropped dramatically when they introduced music into the work area. And it wasn't a lack of concentration, listening to the music, that made them accept more pieces. The quality department checked the work and found that the standard had actually raised. In addition, the line checkers were rejecting less good work because they felt better about themselves.
That's all very well in a production environment where there is less emphasis on mental work and more on physical. But, I'm sitting here, trying to concentrate on a delicate situation and how to word things tactfully and the radio in the background is so distracting.
The problem is that, many people are not comfortable with their own thoughts anymore. They can't stand the quiet, because it gives them time to think about their own lives and what's happening in them.
That's where a journal becomes useful. By writing about your issues every morning, you are free to handle today's life. You are free to enjoy your life. You are free to enjoy your thoughts and emotions. You are free to enjoy the peace.
How right your are! Noise from neighbours is driving me crazy. Soon as the sun shines a bit, out they crawl from the woodwork into the garden for barbecues that HAVE to be accompanied by LOUD music. Then there's the kids next door bumping and banging around all the time. Intercity trains and traffic at all hours of the day. Wont be long until we're all driven mad by this incessant racket.
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