Mikey's Place

A place for keeping a journal. Why? Because it keeps me sane! I used to get rather angry at people for stupid things. Then, I discovered the value of a journal. It works. Here, I'll tell you how and why it works for me.

Location: Mountain Ash, Wales, United Kingdom

Monday, August 16, 2004

Whatever Happened to Tutti Frutti Ice Cream?

My wife and children took my Mum out for the day on Friday. Now, my Mum decided that she needed to sit down for a few minutes while my wife and daughter went off to look at something. My son stayed with his grandmother.

While they were waiting, my Mum asked my son if he would go and get her an ice cream, which he was pleased to do because it meant that he would get one, too! Anyway, she said she would like a tutti frutti cone. Well, my son didn't understand, but went anyway. At the ice cream stand, he asked the assistant about a tutti frutti. Guess what? The assistant had never heard of it!

Now, tutti frutti ice cream was THE ice cream when I was growing up. It was "specially made" in Italy and shipped over to Wales so that we could enjoy this special treat. Sadly, it seems to have gone the way the dodo around these parts.

So, if any of you know where I can get my Mum a tutti frutti ice cream in South Wales (UK), please let me know!


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