Mikey's Place

A place for keeping a journal. Why? Because it keeps me sane! I used to get rather angry at people for stupid things. Then, I discovered the value of a journal. It works. Here, I'll tell you how and why it works for me.

Location: Mountain Ash, Wales, United Kingdom

Thursday, September 30, 2004

A New Website

It's been a while since my last post, but I've been busy on the new version of my website. I decided to try using a blog to keep it up to date. It seems to be working so far.

The new site has new features. It has links to my blogs and to my family's pages where appropriate.

I am slowly increasing the number of sections. Not only will it have photos as I used to have, but I plan to expand it to show my craft creatins, too. I make a range of greetings cards that I sell and I want to show them off. I also plan to include articles on photography and craft work.

There will be lots to see and do and, hopefully, a visitors' book, if I can work out how to include one!

See you there at MJ Montage.


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