Resting in Motion
I've been really busy this week, as you will know if you've been following this. It started to get to me. Tiredness, tight chest, breathlessness, sweating, grey, pasty skin. You know, all the signs that your heart's had enough and wants a rest!
So, I was thinking of a holiday. I decided that it would be good to have a day to myself. Well, I decided that a while back, but, because my colleague was on holiday, that was going to be impossible. Anyway, she came back to work on Wednesday. So, I decided to look at Friday as a holiday. The problem is that I had so much work to do.
Enter my youngest son. He needed my assistance yesterday afternoon. So, I explained this to my colleagues, adding that I would take my list home and work on it there. Well, they agreed to me taking the afternoon off, as well as today.
It was wonderful! I've sat here at my PC working, but without the phone ringing all the time; without people coming in to get me to do the little jobs they don't want to do; without the constant chatter of people in the background; without the noise of manufacturing in the background, or tuneless music on the radio. I've finished my work and, instead of being tired, I feel fairly energetic.
This morning, I went for my annual blood test at my GP's surgery. Then I went somewhere quiet to write my journal. It was wonderful. I haven't slept any more than normal; less, probably. Yet I feel more relaxed.
You might think this is all very well, but you haven't got the luxury of working from home. I haven't, really. My point is, though, that sometimes, just a change of location is enough to re-energize us.
So, this weekend, get out and do something different, something to pamper yourself. Enjoy it. you'll have a lot more energy when you finish.